30 Artists in 30 Days #19 – Lauren O’Connell

Lauren O'Connell

Sometimes when searching for the artist of the day, I view or listen to a number of their works before making up my mind. With 30 Artists in 30 Days number nineteen it only took one song. And it wasn’t even far into the song that my eyes became tearful at experiencing such bliss in the world, and the decision was made.

Lauren O’Connell has been performing since 2005, and has performed with another 30 Artists in 30 Days choice, Julia Nunes. Patreon is still small enough that many of the artists know or have performed with each other!

Lauren currently has 342 Patreon patrons paying $1,463.68 per song.

Pledge for Lauren on her Patreon page.

See all the 30 Artists in 30 Days here.

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