Garullous Grape at Greens

Monday night saw the seventh of the Geek Dinners, Garullous Grape.

It headed north for the first time, and was held at Greens in Plattekloof. The food was fantastic, and Perdeberg saved the day for the drunkards wine connoisseurs by coming through with a wine sponsorship at the last minute.

Geek ingenuity was amptly demonstrated with a projector screen constructed entirely of plastic bags.

There were 4 talks. I spoke on the green hippie thing – and Jonathan Endersby, who was the main instigator, wasn’t even there to appreciate it. To clarify, the talk was an in-depth sociological study of the overlaps between ecological consciousness and the scientific method. In short I stripped down to a tie-dye shirt and flashed a large grass joint (kikuyu, I swear), before listing 5 or six topics I find interesting.

In spite of my misgivings, it seems I may have to postpone the haircut and haul out the tie-dye shirt again next month, as there’s some demand for a continuation. This time focussing on just one topic, in more detail.

Newcomers must have been confused, as my talk was followed up by Jose Meredith on Payment Card Industry Certification (a description of the nightmare Bob’s been experiencing for the last while), an exposition of, er, flaws in paving stone by Brad Whittington (another brilliantly done karaoke), and an invitation for some Action Learning with Tania.

4 short (mostly) talks was a good number, leaving lots of time for talking, and meeting all the newcomers.

Visit planet.geekdinner for all the posts.

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  1. Doh… I’m totally bummed I couldn’t be there. Will look to see if there are recordings.


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