BarCamp, Drupal and a choice to make

I read a Tectonic article today about a local chapter of Drupal being launched. It’s pleasing to see that there’s a Drupal core developer, Adrian Rossouw, living at Cape Town.

I’ve just started playing with Drupal, and Adrian is planning to give a presentation at the BarCamp to be held in June in Cape Town. The timing is good, so I may be going. An interesting aspect about BarCamps is that they’re free, but all the attendees must offer something back by actively participating. Blogging about it is the easy option (easy, but rarely well done), or I may give a presentation. I’ll need to put my thinking cap on, as I’d imagine the participants would be more skilled than usual. Topics such as Introduction to PHP, which is one of the proposed topics, would probably be a waste for most. Perhaps something about PEAR packages (I haven’t been keeping up to date, and was quite surprised by some of the progress), or MySQL?