2009 elections analysis

As an election junkie, I’ve been watching the election results closely as they come in. There’ve been no real surprises, but a few interesting trends. I’m writing this post as the results are only partially in, but the trends seem clear. It’s likely that the parties with substantial rural support, such as the ANC and… Continue reading 2009 elections analysis

Renewable energy feed-in tariffs approved

NERSA, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa, has approved some quite generous renewable energy feed-in tariffs. In short, renewable energy feed-in tariffs mean that developers can invest in renewable energy, and sell excess energy back to the grid (Eskom) at a profit, a price more than it costs to generate, and guaranteed for a… Continue reading Renewable energy feed-in tariffs approved

Focusing on solutions – no more news

I realised this evening how to verbalise my own reasons for throwing newspapers in the dustbin, which I’ve struggled with before. At todays Facelook and Foodcook, two of the four speakers specifically advised not reading newspapers, and reasoned it in different ways. But an unconnected point one of them made sparked the connection. I’ve tried… Continue reading Focusing on solutions – no more news