Some thoughts on leadership

Lao Tzu, according to Tony Benn at least, said that the best leaders are those who are never noticed. Those who are praised follow, then those who are despised, with those who are feared at the bottom. A related Zen saying is that a teacher’s work is only done when the student has bettered the teacher.

Leaders who are not noticed empower. After getting a follower to do something, the follower will say “I did that myself”. They are no longer a follower. They do not need, and can themselves create and lead.

The leader has mastered the ego, they do not need to be recognised. They are fearless because they do not fear stepping aside, being usurped. Why need recognition if what was done was perfect in its own right. Why fear growth, and others improving on us? Creation is the natural state of things, and something greater will follow. We are the shrubs that flower and then die to provide the soil with food for the tree.

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